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Adolfo Camarillo High School's student-run news publication

The Stinger

Adolfo Camarillo High School's student-run news publication

The Stinger

Adolfo Camarillo High School's student-run news publication

The Stinger

Iris Shim

Iris Shim, Staff Writer


My name is Iris Shim, and I'm a first year writer on the Stinger staff! I love KIWIN'S and ice cream. I hope you all enjoy the site!

All content by Iris Shim
Joyce Seok, senior class president, will be attending Harvard University in the fall.

Scorps Spotlight 18: Joyce Seok

Iris Shim, Staff Writer
June 13, 2017
Cam High's Girl's Tennis Team with Coach Claudia Grafenstein.

A Balancing Act

Iris Shim, Staff Writer
May 16, 2017
Liberty in North Korea club held a boba fundraiser in front of the school. Profit was donated to the organization.

Fighting for Freedom

Iris Shim, Staff Writer
April 18, 2017
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