Seniors Rally in Powder Puff to Conquer Juniors in Annual Tradition
Provided by Cam High Yearbook staff
The senior Powder Puff flag football team comes out of a huddle taking on their junior counterparts last month.
The Seniors reigned victorious in last month’s annual Powder Puff flag football game, with a score of 25-19. The juniors, who had a total of 13 players, started strong but were overwhelmed by the seniors, who had around 25 players.
About the Writers

Gaby Jose, Staff Writer
I wrestle. My real name is Gabrielle. This is my third year in High School. My go to song for karaoke (I sing a lot of karaoke because I am Filipino) is...

Lauren Brown, Staff Writer
My first name is Lauren and my last name is Brown. I consider myself part of the Rebel Alliance, as I am obsessed with Star Wars. I sometimes play volleyball...