Covid-19 at Cam High: Staying Safe and Healthy

Covid-19 infections increased in Ventura County and Cam High during the Winter Holidays and through January
Following a surge in Covid-19 across the country over the winter holidays and a return back to school at Cam High, COVID-19 infections have been spreading throughout Cam High, where many teachers, students, and staff have been infected and impacted. What resulted was that, at the time of the finals, many students were not present for their exams; consequently, teachers had to extend the date of finals for these students. Not only could students not attend finals, but also infected teachers could not show up to class to administer finals which caused healthy students to be left without finals (this did not harm their grades). This rise in infections marks the beginning of Cam High’s second semester and many of the infections at Cam High in recent days presents a challenge for many students from different classes who are infected and cannot attend class.
But all the school staff is doing as much as possible to contain these infections by informing both parents and students by email if they were exposed in one of their classes to another student with Covid-19. They have also been giving recommendations on what and what not to do if you test positive for the virus. Therefore, it is always recommended that all students and staff follow the rules in order to keep themselves and the people around them healthy. Mrs. Garcia, a Spanish teacher at Cam High, said “I think there are many infections because people are not following the rules, [including] teachers and students; they are infecting themselves more and more and the students have told me that there are some teachers who also do not get along well in the class, so perhaps they are also infecting themselves because of that they are not following the rules.”
In Camarillo and at Cam High, much like in thousands of communities across the country, Covid-19 has continued to cause major disruptions even in 2022. It is still important to follow health guidelines (such as wearing masks) in order to slow the spread of the virus.

Hey, I'm Ella! I'm a senior at Cam High. When I'm not writing (usually poetry), I'm most likely baking or cooking with homegrown ingredients from my garden....