Palestine-Israel Conflict Continues To Spark Discussions Through Human Rights Campaigns

Photo Courtesy of Sebastian Scheiner at IndyStar
The conflict between Palestine and Israel, tens of years old, has become the center of public debate within the United States and extended corners of the globe.
On May 7th and 10th, Israeli forces stormed the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and used tear gas, stun grenades and rubber tipped bullets on Palestinian worshipers. The violence took place during the final days of Ramadan which is the holiest month for Muslims, and the Al Aqsa Mosque is the third holiest place for Muslims. Palestinians remained at Al Aqsa Mosque After evening prayers in order to protest Israel’s plans to evict 6 Palestinian families from their homes in the region of Sheik Jarrah. This prompted days or protests between Palestinians, Israel settlers and Israeli police. So far, this fighting has killed at least 53 Palestinians and seven Israelis, Including 14 Palestinian children end to Israeli children. It is the most severe outbreak of violence since 2014.
The international community does not recognize this territory as Israeli territory.
These evictions appear to be a part of a bigger systematic effort to push Palestinians out of Jerusalem, and prevent Jerusalem from becoming a part of the Palestine city.
Retaliation occurred on both sides and the people are extremely hurt and dying, even children.
Here in America, a rally and protests in support of Palestinian people was held in front of the calling sculpture in downtown Milwaukee Wednesday evening. The people were chanting “free Palestine” and “in our millions and are billions we are all Palestinians”. Protesters talked about the ruling as an issue of Human Rights. They view the action as a part of Israel’s occupation of the land. One of the protester organizers, Lina Habib. Helped lead the group chanting, “ one two three four occupation no more.”
A local women who does not want her name to be shared, attended the rally in Milwaukee and said, “Human beings’ dignities are being crushed at this time during the pandemic. I can’t imagine somebody to be this much of an oppressor, this much of a try, to crush a whole race”.
The Biden administration has dispatched a top state Department diplomat to the Middle East to try and de-escalate the conflict.
The speech coordinator for the United Nations warned that the situation is escalating toward a full-scale war.