Keeping Campus Clean: Naturally Green’s New Three-Bin System
Naturally Green’s three-bin system is working to reduce wastefulness at Cam High.
Naturally Green, an environmental conservation club at Cam High, has implemented the three-bin system — with the help of the Oxnard Union High School District — to make Cam High’s campus a more eco-friendly environment with reduced waste.
The three-bin system was launched before Thanksgiving Break on Nov. 20. Cam High is the first school in the Oxnard Union High School District to use this system. With the approval and help of Cam High’s Principal Mr. Matthew La Belle; Ms. Anna Jackson, Farm to School coordinator of the OUHSD; Ms. Stephanie Gillenberg, the Director of Nutritional Service provider of OUHSD; and the Harrison Trash Company, Naturally Green was able to bring this project to Cam High.
This system is a way to categorize and separate waste, compost, and recycling. The main bins are set up in the cafeteria with more to be placed outside. The compost bin will be used to construct a composting bin, which, in turn, will help create healthier soil for Naturally Green’s gardens around the school.
Ms. Tawney Safran, the adviser of Naturally Green, said, “So far we haven’t really had any issues, surprisingly and happily. When I went out to check on it on our first day, students were trying. There were very few trash items left behind and you can tell this generation especially is out to do good and support and make this world a better place with the understanding of the consequences of our actions.”
Hailey Beron, junior and a member of Naturally Green said, “The work my fellow peers and I do in Natural Green is absolutely wonderful and I hope to see many other projects just like the three-bin system, which can make a positive impact on this earth and school.”
According to Marina Cleavenger, vice-president of Naturally Green, the three-bin system is showing remarkable results, and the next step is to spread the system throughout the entire campus rather than being centered in the cafeteria exclusively.
Naturally Green meets every Monday in T-8 and is open to all grades. Naturally Green is currently working on various other projects, such as painting murals around the school, growing vegetables, beach clean-ups, etc. Recently, the club provided the school with new benches that can be seen around campus.