Cam High’s First Musical in Over 12 Years Premieres on Dec. 6

Ian Lattimer

The drama program rehearsing on Dec. 5, 2018 — the day before opening night.

Cam High’s drama class is producing their own adaptation of the musical, You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, to premiere on Dec. 6.

Cam High’s drama program has not produced a musical in over 12 years. “It was kind of rough at first and no one really knew what they were doing, but with coordination and a lot of practice over a lot of hours [we improved]. I’m quite confident about it,” said Amanda Chisholm, senior and fourth-year member of drama. Chisholm plays the part of Snoopy in the play.

The program started to work on the musical about a month ago, but suffered some minor setbacks due to the construction of a new stage. “We’re working really hard considering we only had a month to work on this,” said Mylessa Prouty, junior and first-year drama student who plays the part of Charlie Brown.

Mr. Daryl Myers and Mr. Joe Alba are the co-teachers for the drama department at Cam High. “Some of the initial insecurities and doubts have been overcome and [the students] have been doing a fantastic job,” said Myers.

The process of producing a musical can be long and difficult. “Between hitting all of the correct notes in the songs as well as learning all of the choreography within a group effort it is a lengthy process, but we are all trying our best,” said Prouty.

Instead of the standard single production, the play has two separate shows that contain a different cast. This allows more students the opportunity to traverse the experiences of acting and participate in the play.

The play will be at Cam High’s theater in D-2, and costs are $5 for students with ID and $10 for adults and students without ID. The times during opening week are 7:00 P.M. on Dec. 6 and 7, and 2:00 P.M. on Dec. 8. The play will continue to show on Dec. 13 and 14 at 7:00 P.M., and Dec. 15 at 2:00 P.M..