Cam High to Change more than 50 Years of Tradition With Graduation Gowns
Times have changed; graduation at Cam High used to be multicolored. Not anymore. Photo By: Cecilia Bach-Nguyen
Students at Cam High will no longer be provided with two different graduation gown colors and will have to choose just one for all graduates in a vote to be held this month.
Oxnard Union High School District (OUHSD) plans to establish a policy later this month that limits high schools to one graduation gown color that represents all genders. In Cam High’s case, instead of the traditional navy blue for males and Columbia blue for females, all students must sport the same color.
“This is a very big national initiative,” said Dr. Penelope DeLeon, OUHSD Superintendent. “It is not about gender equality as much as it is about being respectful to everybody’s choice to select a gender or not select a gender, and we have students who choose not to. In my view, [if] you all wear the same color it shows that you are unified as a student body.”
Ms. Lori Pristera, ASB Director, announced the change on Wednesday, Oct. 11 during senior activities, while freshmen, sophomores, and juniors were taking the PSAT. It was predetermined at that time that the entire senior class would be wearing navy blue gowns at the graduation next spring. This sudden policy reform sparked controversy among seniors, leading them to question why they weren’t able to choose the color they wanted to wear, and why there had to be only one color.
“I understand that gender neutrality is a growing topic,” said Drew Reyes, Senior Class Parliamentarian. “I just think we could have [found] a solution that allowed us to keep both colors, since they’re both shades of blue.”
“The whole school shouldn’t have to wear one color just to accommodate some people,” said Isaac DeLara, senior, when asked about his opinion on the transition from two gown colors to one.
Most colleges, universities, and high schools across the nation provide only one color for graduation robes.
“I do not understand students who are asking why we are letting a small percentage of the school’s population dictate what the entire student body does,” said Pristera. “That’s like saying you have three percent of your graduating class who are deaf so we don’t want a sign language interpreter there because that’s not what 97 percent of the students need.”
“My understanding was that we had to have a decision made now,” said Pristera, who received notice about a week before last year’s graduation that the gown colors would be changed. “I briefly discussed it with [last year’s] senior class cabinet, and the conversation was if you had a choice which one would you prefer and the consensus was the navy blue.”
“It was inconsequential, a very short conversation,” said Joyce Seok, Co-President of last year’s senior class cabinet and current freshman at Harvard University. “We had no idea that that was supposed to be directly translated to the senior class cabinet of 2017/2018 [or] that we were voting that next year’s graduation [robes] should be one color.”
The Stinger’s reporting showed that consensus among seniors is frustration as to why they were unable to vote between the two existing gown colors in order to choose what they would be wearing at graduation. “Since it’s our expense and our memory of graduation, we should have a choice of the available colors,” said Gabriel Villegas, senior.
Pacifica High School in Oxnard has already implemented the change, shifting from forest green for females and black for males to solely forest green robes. “We all decided to go with green, since it’s the school’s dominant color,” said Julio Martinez, ASB President at Pacifica High School. There was no vote among the senior class, however Martinez said that most seniors felt that the change makes the class feel more united.
Due to recent feedback from students, administration decided to allow the entire student body to vote on their graduation gown color.
“In the end they will have a choice between two colors, a Columbia blue and a navy blue, [both] with a grey stole,” said Pristera. “This change affects every single student not just the senior class. So the whole school will be voting because once they vote that’s the color, and we will roll that out next week. They wanted a choice, they now have a choice.”
Voice your opinion on which gown color you want to wear at graduation by voting in the poll on our home page.
Stinger Staff members: Cecilia Bach-Nguyen, Rachael Ryan, Esteban Reyes, Emma Brock, Kaylie Chen, Jessica Lang and guest writer Christopher Keating contributed to this story.

Hi, I'm Chloe this year's Editor in Chief of the Stinger! I'm so excited to be apart of our school's newspaper this year and I hope you enjoy our site!
Jade Morris • Oct 24, 2017 at 9:50 am
Very simple.
A few people, hurt feelings or not, think it is ok to take away the rights of others. in this case, the absolute right to be gender specific. Forcing students, who wish to be proud of their gender identity and recognize the absolute importance of gender separation, to be unisex is wrong. Period. Too much attention if given to a very, very few individuals and/or groups that because they are different want everyone else to change. There are other ways to recognize the true struggle and problems these small groups face. Forcing others to conform to their ideology is not the correct way. This path continues to force resentment and does not accomplish the desired goal of helping to fix the problem, not force others to comply.
There are important traditions that need to be kept. Some traditions that build hate and/or prejudice need to be done away with to sure. Two color gender separation is not one of them. If anything, it is more important now than ever.
Jochen Maier • Oct 23, 2017 at 9:57 pm
A few observations:
1. Several posts mentioned that it is unfair if the majority has to change a tradition due to the “gender identity crisis” of a small minority. The tone of those posts suggests that the people with the crisis are not our transgender or intersex students but the people leaving the comments. The trans and intersex community finally seems to feel free to express itself and to no longer hide behind insufficient traditional gender labels. And the district takes notice.
2. Several posts mention that there are two biological genders: male and female. Well, it is and never was as easy and black and white as that. With regards to intersex persons take a look at the realities and statistics on the website of the Intersex Society of America at With respect to transgender students I’d like to suggest that nobody has to understand how somebody has one gender biologically but does not experience that biological gender as the “true” gender of oneself and yet we have to support and respect those folks just as much as we support and respect everybody else. That sentiment was markedly absent in many of the posts.
3. I was disappointed by the overall lack of grace and kindness in many posts as well as a permeating confrontational tone instead of a conciliatory tone trying to look at the issue at hand carefully with the mindset of finding an appropriate solution. At the same time many students expressed disappointment that they were not consulted before the change was being proposed. Many comments expressed the sentiment that students should have a right to vote on this. Why did that not happen? Other than the obvious answer that many things in life are being decided for each one of us without us having any say in it the second answer may be a bit more provocative: If the tone of the posts and the fact that many folks posting are hiding behind aliases are a fair representation of the maturity level and style of the ACHS student body why would the people in positions of power grant ACHS students the right of consultation or vote?
4. Not a single post defended the tradition of two graduation gown colors at ACHS based on any outwardly obvious value of the tradition. Nobody looked into why we have the tradition in the first place and explained why we should continue with the tradition from that point of view. No, all opponents of the proposed change expressed themselves as if they personally were being attacked and a fundamental right of theirs was about to be taken away. Any tradition has to be able to withstand the test of time. Any tradition for traditions sake is worthless and deserves to be nixed. If that were not so all ACHS female students and students of color wouldn’t graduate because at one point time that was the tradition in this country. Other than personal preference, what really is the value of the two graduation gown color tradition?
Shamu • Oct 23, 2017 at 3:09 pm
All activities involving the pool will now require the use of a one piece swimsuit…boys, girls and other. No exceptions.
Brian W • Oct 22, 2017 at 1:09 am
Why is everyone losing their mind over something as simple as a color? Tradition? Gender neutrality? Student comfort? It’s just a color, we’re all still going to graduate with our friends, take cute pictures, and then go on with our lives. When you look back in 10,20, or even 50 years, you wont be focusing on the color of the gown. Everyone is freaking out just because they’re seniors and they want something to antagonize the school. Its not that deep.
Truth • Oct 21, 2017 at 3:52 pm
I think today’s movement to equality is stupid. Forcing the majority of people to change for “3%” is not being equal. I believe the students should choose what color they want to wear! If a man identifies as a women let them wear the Columbia blue! If a female chooses to be a man let them wear navy blue
The comment Mrs Pristrria made “That’s like saying you have three percent of your graduating class who are deaf so we don’t want a sign language interpreter there because that’s not what 97 percent of the students need,” is completely ridiculous to be more correct how most of us students see it is basically saying because 3% of our graduating class is deaf the rest of the 97% should plug our ears for the entire graduating class so that we are all equal. Smh
Alyson • Oct 21, 2017 at 6:33 am
I respect everyone’s opinions but the simple fact is that this is about Title IX.
The 1972 law is being violated when you segregate by race, ethnicity, gender.
Therefore the change is appropriate.
Parent of an Alumni • Oct 21, 2017 at 3:47 am
Why we are even entertaining this gender identification crap is beyond me. WE DON’T choose our gender. There are two genders, male and female. If your confused, get a DNA test. The slim few that have decided they’re not happy with the way they were born, then they can choose to wear a different gown. But just because they are confused. Doesn’t mean the rest are and should have to change a tradition dating back many many years.
Scott Sundvall • Oct 20, 2017 at 9:23 pm
Let’s start by reflecting on the function and purpose of a high school graduation ceremony in the first place: it’s not meant to only and merely provide a public congratulations regarding one’s accomplishment; it’s meant as a commencement, wherein one departs high school and enters the world as an adult. The latter constitutes the true symbolic importance of such a ceremonial ritual. With the rightfully deserved celebratory partying that comes with graduation also comes the responsibility of being an adult in a complicated world robust with difference. The party will quickly end; the task of being a civic and civil member in a diverse society has no closing hour.
Hopefully, high school has already exposed students to the complexity of identity. Beyond the high school gates, any student can readily recognize the issues this country has been having regarding minoritarian identities–the violence against such identities; the continual push for rights and human decency for such identities; and the rhetorical moves, implicit and explicit, from even the highest offices of this country, have used to diminish the humanity of these identities. Yes, these “minoritarian identities” include those who do not necessarily identify with one of the two binary genders (or sexes).
The emergent complexity of identity means we’re making progress; it means that some of those who, hitherto felt pressured to remain “in the closet” about their identity, have managed to muster the courage to speak out about their identity. As any high school student can imagine, this takes a profound amount of courage. Because of the amount of courage such a claiming of non-binary gender/sex identity takes, we can reasonably assume that there are more who identify as such yet unwilling to vocalize such. Some of the responses to this article indicate why some still remain “in the closet” regarding their authentic sense of identity.
California recently passed legislation that recognized a third gender–non-binary gender. I understand this may be difficult to understand, yet one does not need to understand it–at least not at first. One only has to be open-minded and listen. Consider this issue as a microcosmic example of what we are currently witness to in the entire country: maintenance of tradition for sake of tradition vs. progressive policies designed to engender great inclusivity. What we have here: frustration over traditional color arrangement at graduation vs. a color scheme that is forward-thinking and more inclusive.
If the traditional color arrangement of graduation garb is more important to you than providing a color scheme that provides great inclusivity, then perhaps you are not yet entirely ready to graduate–at least not in the meaningful sense. Trust me: having to wear the same color as everyone else is not as difficult or painful as being a member of an identity that cannot even be accommodated when it comes to graduation colors (and this says nothing of the violence, intimidation, and oppression these identities endure on a daily basis).
As an ACHS alumnus, I know how this move can startle suburban populations. But many of these graduates will move on to colleges and universities, cities and metropolises, large businesses that draw from a wide range of demographics. Difference exists–celebrate it, foster it, learn from it.
Being a part of the “majority” (the “hegemony”) gives you two options: oppress those in the minority, or use such a privilege to lift them up. The choice is yours, as graduates. You’re the future. But a mind is nothing without a heart, without a soul.
Marina • Oct 20, 2017 at 1:12 pm
Most of the people on here that are insensitive to the LGBTQ community don’t understand that if we kept two different colors and a transgender male to female were to wear the light blue graduation gown that the harassment that they would get would hurt them 10x more than the so called “punishment” that the insensitive people who don’t want to conform to one color get.
Jennifer D. • Oct 20, 2017 at 7:37 am
This is ridiculous. In response to Pristera’s comment equating this with providing an interpreter for students who are deaf, that is not even close to the same thing. Deafness is a disability, and that should be accommodated, but doing so does not force anything on the rest of the students who do not have the same need. Secondly, by equating these two situations, are you then saying that students who choose to not identify with one gender or another have a disability? Try making that statement and see how well that is recived. Thirdly, allow the three percent to choose whichever color they prefer. I have no problem with that. But don’t take this away from the rest of the students.
DW • Oct 19, 2017 at 11:52 pm
You have a long career ahead of you Chloe. If everyone reads your lead graf carefully, this hasn’t ACTUALLY happened yet. The photo caption suggests it’s a done deal, but it isn’t if OUHSD hasn’t voted on it yet. So now FOX News is using your article as fodder for their game.
And that’s how people get misinformed.
Joseph C. • Oct 19, 2017 at 8:26 pm
I have to say that this ordeal of changing from one color to two colors is outrageous. The fact that many other high schools and universities should in no way indicate whether or not we chose one or two colors. There is no need to be followers here. Also, the analogy Ms. Pristera made is not comparable to our situation. Having a translator perform the ceremony in ASL to the side, like many do, does not affect the rest of the student body. Changing gown colors, however, does. If anything, students should have the choice to purchase a white, Columbia blue, or navy blue gown according to what they want and not their gender or gender identity.
Nunya • Oct 19, 2017 at 4:32 pm
This whole situation has not needed to happen. Let the people who are uncomfortable quietly change their color, don’t make everyone else suffer for it. So people who identify as a different gender are disabled?? The analogy of deaf people and an interpreter, to trans and gown color has no correlation whatsoever! Deaf people do not choose to be deaf, they can’t help being deaf, it’s a disability. Being apart of the LGBTQ community is NOT a disability.
Anonymous • Oct 19, 2017 at 1:57 pm
Is it really exercising our right to vote?
Sure the school is letting us chose the one color but what else?
It’s sort if a false sense of “power” that students has. The administration has that only power that can alter their own choice. Which is very upsetting. We have our own beliefs and I have mine especially. But to vote for this topic? No it’s quite sad actually. I’m sure that we (or administion) could of decided on a better decision WITH the students for the STUDENTS future. I am very saddened, really. Wish they kept the two colors.
Christine Lawler • Oct 19, 2017 at 1:43 pm
This whole issue is moot. ACHS is a college-prep campus. Graduation ceremonies at colleges involve ONE color, period. The ceremony celebrates academic completion and excellence, which are not easy tasks for all of us, so let’s halt the underlying “us versus them” comments and focus-on why we’re all here in the first place.
thanks for caring,
Miss Lawler-GSA adviser, English teacher…
Heidi Resnik • Oct 19, 2017 at 11:44 am
Thank you for this informative article. Chloe, you have provided a factual, non-biased piece that has enabled and inspired students and community members to engage in conversations and share their points of view. Brava!
I am pleased that this topic has inspired the community to get involved in civic conversation. The heart of democracy and free speech is allowing the people to speak their minds, voice their opinions, and ultimately VOTE for their beliefs. This is an excellent opportunity for all Scorpion students to exercise their right to vote and experience the power of democracy in action when they cast their votes as informed citizens deciding the final outcome of a new tradition. Keep this level of passion up, Scorps, as you go forth into the world!
Whichever color is selected, I am proud of all the Scholars at ACHS and look forward to walking with you at graduation in June.
Respectfully yours,
Miss Resnik, TL =]
Peter • Oct 19, 2017 at 11:18 am
Why? No point. Stupid. Leave our traditions be.
anonymous • Oct 19, 2017 at 10:19 am
Biologically there are two genders. Are we going to get new biology books now? I don’t care what your sexual orientation is but don’t tell me that there are more than two sexes. If a girl that identifies as a guy wants to wear navy blue then let her. If a boy that identifies as a girl wants to wear columbia blue then let him. Our teachers and administrators always talk about how we are such a diverse and unique school; then why are we being characterized as one class and not individuals that have their own futures and voices? If you want to talk about how such a great school we are then don’t change a tradition that has been going for 50 years? Now a comment in the article brought up the deaf people at our school, yet they have a disability. Having a sexual orientation is not a disability it’s a choice. I refuse to change a tradition just because a small percentage are “offended.” No school should be changed just because of a few students that are gong through a sexual orientation crisi
Marina Ruiz • Oct 19, 2017 at 10:16 am
I would just like to say that Pristera’s analogy is very flawed. If she wants to compare the situation to people who are deaf, then that is fine but the way I see it is, if we had 3% of our student body who was deaf we would get a interpreter for them… but we would not make the whole entire ceremony in ASL. And that is what I feel you are doing for us. We should be meeting in the middle in this issue. Might I suggest keeping the two colors we have and letting us pick which color we want instead of assigning different colors to different genders. I think that would be the best solution for meeting halfway for this issue. Another complication students might have is that their older sibling have a gown that they were going to let their younger sibling borrow so they wouldn’t have to pay for a brand new one. I honestly don’t have a preference wether we do one solid color or two but for the people that really have an issue with this I feel as if I should speak my mind for both sides.
Makenzie Bodden • Oct 19, 2017 at 9:56 am
Even though I am a junior and I am graduating next year, I personally do not agree with changing the gown colors. Yes, this should not be a big deal and should not be an issue that causes drama but it wouldnt have been a big issue if the colors just stayed the same. I believe there were no problems before with the colors of the gown, but now since the school wants to “go along with society”, we HAVE to change the identity of our gowns. I think no matter what you identify as, you should pick either light blue or dark blue. Yes, girls should wear light blue and boys should wear dark blue but if you are a male and identify as a female, then ofcourse wear light blue (vise versa). No one is going to judge the people who decide to wear a different color. I am sorry if this offends what you believe in, but I personally believe we should stick with the tradition and not think so much into it, considering the whole “63 genders” thing. I also do not like how the school decides suff for the students and think we will be automatically fine with it. I think the students should have more of a say with what happens involving the school and the events at school. The students at Cam High do not get enough say with what happens here. Especially since the students have to pay for a gown, we should be able to choose 1 color or 2 colors, and then go off of that decision.
George • Oct 19, 2017 at 7:24 am
This is Hugely disappointing. I am ashamed of my Alma Mater.
Jane Germaine • Oct 19, 2017 at 2:57 am
Censorship on this blog. Shame on you for taking down opposing viewpoints. We all know who ‘Proud Scorpion’ is and it’s not a student.
adviser • Oct 19, 2017 at 9:53 am
We do not censor a “blog.” This is a student news website, a ‘newspaper’run by and edited by the Journalism students of Cam High. We reserve the right to censor anything we please–and we censor particularly when inappropriate comments, profanity–or generally poor grammar–are used. We appreciate your opinion and your right to share it as you see fit.
Local • Oct 19, 2017 at 1:09 am
Just more evidence of politically correct programming by the Globalist elite. Supt. DeLeon is one of the worst regional examples of that. She has also continued the OUHSD poor quality of education resulting in the worst scores in the county. Under her “leadership,” the District has continued with biased instruction and deteriorating quality of education.
Isaac solis • Oct 18, 2017 at 11:50 pm
Cannot believe this is happening. I don’t feel comfortable going to school anymore.
Aidan Mara • Oct 18, 2017 at 11:21 pm
I am completely fine with the idea that a single color creates a sense of unity, and that the gender-determined gowns creates a difficult situation for that unity and support for gender-fluid students. However, I don’t think the solution is moving to a one-color system. If it were up to me, I would add a secondary and tertiary color as I believe it gives the students a small yet meaningful way to express themselves. As well, I’m sure many others would agree a multiple-colored (2 or 3) graduation would be better than just a flat, single-colored one.
Jochen Maier • Oct 18, 2017 at 10:51 pm
Thank you for the article. A topic worth pondering.
I would like to start by saying that each one of us is a composite of many things. We all know and experience that and we would object to being reduced to one of our many defining characteristics and traits. And yet we also have the desire to be seen as members of larger groups representing common traits. The fact that this school has a tradition of defining/assigning graduation gown colors based on traditional gender definitions seems somewhat unhelpful in the context of that reality.
How would you like it if we had the following graduation tradition?: Republicans wear navy blue, Democrats Columbia blue. Or how about US Citizens wear navy blue, non-citizens Columbia blue. Native English speakers wear navy blue, non-native speakers Columbia blue. Whites wear navy blue, African-Americans Columbia blue. Christians could wear navy blue, Muslims Columbia blue. Meat eaters: navy blue, vegetarians: Columbia blue. GPA higher than 3.5: navy blue, 3.5 GPA or less: Columbia blue. Extroverts: navy blue, introverts: Columbia blue. Obese: Navy blue, average BMI: Columbia blue. And so on and so forth.
Are you getting a little annoyed and feel a bit uncomfortable with any of those suggestions? I would hope so. It would seem arbitrary at best to make graduation gown color distinctions based on any of those criteria, wouldn’t it? And many students wouldn’t be able to choose either of the colors because they don’t fit either half of any given pair. What would atheists, Green Party members, or Asian-Americans wear? Nobody likes to be forced to choose between two options when neither one is the one that truly represents you. Or should those students be forced to wear yet another color to indicate that they are not able to or don’t want to “fit in” and succumb to being singled out by the majority for being “different”?
And yet there is exactly one thing that all graduating students have in common: They fulfilled the graduation requirements and therefore graduate from this school, Adolfo Camarillo High School. That’s it, not more, not less. None of the other aspects of any person graduating from high school, e.g. religious and political convictions, lifestyle choices, ethnic background, or gender identification have any bearing on one’s right to call oneself a graduate of Camarillo High School. While it is o.k. to loathe change and mourn the loss of traditions with which one grew up and liked it is not enough to continue with business as usual when times change as they do know, have done many times in the past , and will continue to do in the the future. And because there is only that one unifying factor among all graduating seniors there can be only two logical conclusions: either everybody wears the same colored graduation gown or nobody wears a gown at all. And over time one of those two options will become the new tradition at ACHS.
Cindy • Oct 18, 2017 at 9:42 pm
When I graduated from Cam High the girls wore white. It looks nice with the two colors. They should just let those students choose which color they want to wear instead of getting rid of the two colors. It will look very boring 🙁 Sad to see this tradition ending.
Destiny Stein • Oct 18, 2017 at 9:33 pm
Us students at Adolfo Camarillo, shouldn’t have to change colors just because there are some people that don’t identify there gender. Every student in the high school shouldn’t be having to change the format of the foams we wear this year because of that problem. Seniors are very upset about this situation.
Jane Germaine • Oct 18, 2017 at 9:29 pm
Making everyone the same is conformity, not diversity. It’s no surprise that Superintendent DeLeon spearheaded this. She has her own agenda in mind and not the students. This has been her MO all along.
Audrey • Oct 18, 2017 at 9:20 pm
I think this is a grand step in the right direction. I find it so moving that we have come so far to represent all people and make people feel comfortable at their own graduation. I have a very hard time understanding how our school could have such a dilemma with this change. Demanding to have two different color gowns seems pretty childish. It’s like throwing a tantrum on a playground about getting a red hula-hoop instead of a blue one. At the end of the day, the gown is still a gown and it serves its purpose regardless of what color it is. So what if it’s a different color than what we’ve had all along? If making this simple change makes ALL people feel accepted/represented, then what’s the problem? I find it especially petty given current events of the world in which we live. People’s lives have been destroyed with the fires and hurricanes and earthquakes, and here we are debating over what color our gowns are going to be at graduation.
Fact checker • Oct 18, 2017 at 9:04 pm
Students stand out at graduation by their accomplishments. The cords they wear, their gpa, etc. Otherwise, they are a unified class, all one community. That’s the point. Change is difficult to be sure, but we’ll survive and be better people for it.
Fact checker • Oct 18, 2017 at 9:00 pm
There are two colors provided to vote on. Columbia blue and navy. Also the ASB constitution says that the colors of the school shall be Columbia blue, navy, and silver/grey.
Camarillo Alumni • Oct 18, 2017 at 8:15 pm
I am frustrated just as a majority of the senior class is frustrated. Having already graduated, I personally love how the 2 colors for graduation look. It adds contrast and makes our students stand out. If this had happened during my graduation year, I know I would have been outraged because I wouldn’t want to wear the Dark Navy Blue the boys wear. I think there should be an option for anyone to choose which of the 2 colors they’d prefer to wear at graduation, instead of getting rid of both colors. I understand the frustration of my friends still at Cam and wish them luck as they graduate this year; hopefully their graduation experience is not too affected by this new rule.
Jenny • Oct 18, 2017 at 5:24 pm
I don’t see why this is such a big deal, simple answer, girls wear one color boys wear another. By all means if you’re a guy who identifies as a girl then they can wear the girl color, vice versa. It’s a tradition that shouldn’t be changed because of a couple students that want to identify as a apache helicopter and regardless it’s already a hassle and would just continue to be more of one. If anything if people wanna have the attention of being different then let traditions stay and let those 3 or so students wear white or something.
Proud Scorpion • Oct 18, 2017 at 3:54 pm
Andrew, it’s because when the majority knows something isn’t right we have to speak up for the impacted minority. The color of the robe might seem like a small thing to most people but to that 1, or those 3 people, it is powerful to know your community supports you and loves you.
Adrienne Denny • Oct 18, 2017 at 3:14 pm
Thank you for the article. I understand that Rio Mesa has chosen their gowns to represent their school colors-black and red, in their gowns and stoles. I wish the school color of Columbia blue had not been lost in the shuffle. It would be great to see all graduates in the school colors-Columbia blue and white.
Andrew Lisak • Oct 18, 2017 at 2:39 pm
Good article. I wonder what the actual percentage of people at cam high actually identify as not having a gender because it’s probably not more than 10 students, which would be even smaller than 1%. Why does 99% of the school have to change rules just so 3 people can say they “feel” comfortable.