Scorps Spotlight 15: Nodeezee

Noah Diaz, junior, also known as Nodeezee, performing on the stage at lunch. He’s an aspiring rapper at Cam High.
Junior Noah Diaz spent the summer of 2014 listening to popular rapper Eminem, and since then, has never been the same.
Diaz is a self-taught aspiring rapper known by his stage name, Nodeezee, a mashup of his first and last names. Diaz raps at lunch in the quad, and is releasing a new album soon to Soundcloud.
He said that he learned his skills from YouTube videos and listening to broad varieties of rapping styles. “Lil Wayne is the one who ignited the fire to my passion, and Eminem was that barrel that just exploded it,” Diaz said. Diaz was also inspired by artists like Kendrick, Tupac, Biggie, Jay Z, and Kanye.
Since he began, Diaz has been writing original rap songs, recording them on Garage Band, and publishing them onto Sound Cloud, as well as performing in the quad during lunch about once every three months. “I started doing [performing at school] because last year, ‘One Dance’ by Drake came on the speakers, and then my friend said, ‘hey, I’ll pay you ten bucks if you get up on stage and perform‘ and I dropped my stuff and said ‘let’s do it‘.“
Diaz enjoys performing both original songs and covers, as well as accepting challenges. “I’m never really nervous in front of a crowd, but when I perform my own stuff it becomes kind of difficult,” he said.
He has experienced negative comments and reactions from people for his performances, but is determined on his musical path. “Hate is in the job description, so it doesn’t really bring me down, ” Diaz said. “A lot of people said Eminem couldn’t make it but look at him now. Hatred doesn’t do anything, it’s just expected now.”
Diaz said that he writes his songs based on his own feelings, and the unspoken emotions of others. Currently, Diaz is working on his first album called “Reality.” He hopes to resemble a similar template as Kendrick did in his album “Good Kid Mad City.”
“Basically, it’s like a big soundtrack to a movie where it’s an evolving story throughout the lyrics,” said Diaz.
The completion of his album was postponed temporarily, because Diaz starred in the Lion King at the Ventura Performing Theater for Young Arts. Diaz played Mufasa and older Simba in the play and was excited to perform the weekend of Dec. 10.
Diaz has been acting since age four through many organizations. His presence on stage during plays has helped his confidence while performing his raps. “My passions are acting and rapping, but more so rapping,” Diaz said. “Whatever happens, happens. I mean, hopefully rapping will take off.”
Diaz hopes to perform more at school in the future, as soon as he finishes his new album.

Hi everyone! My name is Alyssa, I'm 16 and this is my first year writing for the Stinger. I have always enjoyed writing and I am looking forward to sharing...
Ben dover • Feb 19, 2017 at 8:31 am
I love nodeeeze he’s my favorite rapper