Girls’ basketball honors seniors in last home league game

In their last regular season home game of the season, Cam High girl’s varsity basketball emerged with a 64-28 league victory against the Moorpark Musketeers last Wednesday.

About 30 seconds into the first quarter, the Scorps scored their first two points, followed by two Moorpark free throws. The Scorpions were down by three points, with two minutes and 35 seconds left to go, and called for a 30 second time out. The Scorpions soon after added a point from a foul against Moorpark. A quick pick up of the ball from junior Nikki Puga raised the energy and excitement in the room, as the team began to show more focus on the court.

The first quarter was close, as both teams continuously tied the score. But despite the Scorpions’ fast-paced momentum, the first quarter closed with Moorpark ahead 11-13.

A Cam High basket turned the table in second quarter, and the team began to take a steady lead. With six minutes left on the clock Cam High had secured 7 points, bringing the score up to 18-13. Moorpark shorted the point gap with a layup and two successful free throws, trailing behind Cam High by 2. Ultimately the Scorpions came out on top after scoring with only 40 seconds left, ending the quarter 22-18.

Cam High started strong in the third quarter, adding 5 points to the board while Moorpark remained at 18.  About three minutes in, Moorpark had to substitute an injured player. Cam High executed a two-point shot and brought the score up to 29-18. Later, the Musketeers took two time outs in the quarter, with Cam High leading in points with a 32-18 score. The game rapidly progressed as Scorpion players quickly maneuvered the court to control the ball and ended with a dominant score of 40-24.

In the final quarter, Cam High was able to create a substantial lead, aided by multiple 2 point shots in a row. Cam High gained 2 points from a half court throw from sophomore, Madeline Weight, and a successful shot from junior, Bryne Kirksey, leading at 55-26. In the last two minutes, Sydney Arikawa, senior who was injured most of the season with a torn ACL, scored the 60 point for Cam High and the room erupted in a series of clapping and cheering. With 30 seconds left until end of the game, Moorpark called a time out followed by Cam High, but the win was inevitable for the Scorpions who took the triumph at 64-28.

Wednesday night honored and recognized seniors Simone Lewis, Madison Luna, Shivani Govil, Sydney Arikawa, and Shelby Franco. The gym was decorated with posters for each player with their name and number.

“Everyone was just really happy and excited to be league champions as well as excited for the seniors having their senior night,” said Shivani Govil.

“My basketball experience has been a roller coaster ride, but it’s been the best roller coaster I’ve ever been on,” said Simone Lewis. Lewis started on JV her freshman year and went all the way to the CIF Championship as a sophomore. “My basketball experience has been unforgettable, and I will never forget all the memories I’ve made with my teammates and coaches,” she said.

The Lady Scorpions finished out the season 7-1, holding the title of Coastal Canyon League champs for the second year in a row and will advance to CIF playoffs, where they will compete Thursday, Feb. 18 against Oxnard at 7 p.m..

Govil said, “What I have learned from basketball that even applies to many more situations in life is that everyone on the team matters and plays a part. Our coaches have stressed to us the importance of each and everyone of us to our team, whether on the court or on the bench, and I really believe it.”

“No matter how much talent a person has, basketball is a team sport, and the entire team plays a part in either its victory or defeat,” she said, concluding her four years on the team.