After the Storm

Photo By: James Schaap

Drama students practice their improv after the fall production.

Actors work hard, particularly when productions are in the midst of their run. Even when the play is over, however, the drama department doesn’t.

“We’re always working toward the next production” said Jessica Brockway, senior. While there are no more filled chairs and dimmed lights, drama students sharpen iron with iron by working on spontaneous improv and techniques in the art of theater.

Danika Elvine, senior, who played Grazia in the drama department’s recent production of Death Takes a Holiday said, “I’m happy that I was able to have such a wonderful experience being in the play and being able to work with such wonderful people.”

Elvine also said: “There’s a lot of bonding and forming of great friendships and relationships while rehearsing and preparing for the play.”

Meanwhile, doing improvs in groups and solos in order to work on delivery, courage, enunciation, teamwork, facial expressions, role playing, versatility and creativity, keep the crew busy.

Improv teaches drama students to handle the inevitable actor mistakes like when someone accidentally skips a block or doesn’t remember their lines. Improv teaches them how to seamlessly fill in the cracks unbeknownst to the eluded audience.

“Improv equips us with the ability to fix line flubs” said Scotty Espinoza, senior.

About two to three months before a production put on by the drama department the play is is decided, then auditions are held that aren’t just limited to the class, but are open to all at Cam High. After actors and actresses make call backs they work on their lines while the set comes to life. While in that process, costumes are tailored and props begin to dance their way on stage.

Traditionally, Drama has two productions a year. One in the fall, the other in the spring. And with each production there are six showings at total of the selected play.