Going APe
Mr. Matthew Doyle, AP US History teacher, lecturing to his class.
Among the many choices students have to make each year is whether or not to take advanced placement classes. Students say the decision is not an easy one, but the results are hard to argue.
From Biology to Calculus, AP courses may seem rigorous. However, Luis Prieto, a junior, believes that “being challenged” is well worth its toll. “Although challenges are difficult to overcome, you feel much better accomplishing what you strived for.”
“The skills that I will gain through this difficult process will benefit me by teaching me better learning skills and good habits,” said Prieto.
Mrs. Tawney Safran, an AP European History teacher said she likes to challenge her students to get them to think originally and independently. “By engaging them in a lot of debates and discussions, they are able to hear different sides to an argument.”
According to Safran, being an AP student requires “Not necessarily someone with smarts and background, but somebody who is really willing to challenge themselves.”
Cailin Burrows, junior, was one of many students who began an AP class with good intentions, but wasn’t able to keep up with the workload. “The class became really hard and I figured it would be smart to drop the class.”
Burrows explained that the tough AP curriculum stuck her between a rock and a hard place. “All of the tests and quizzes asked very critical-thinking questions,” Burrows said. “And keeping up with all of my other classes just became too much.”
Whether you get a five or a one on the AP test matters. Perhaps is one of the reasons many students don’t finish the class.