Extra! Extra! Stinger Staff News
Picture of the first print copy of the Cam High Stinger
There have been many changes in the schedules and classes of many students at Cam High starting the second semester. Regrettably, many of the Stinger staff were not exempt from this treatment. On news concerning us, the Editor-in-chief, now former Editor-in-chief, Ella Menin, a Senior at Cam High, has been replaced by former Managing Editor, Victor Dominguez, a Cam High Junior, although she has decided to assume the title of Editor-in-chief emeritus and remains active on the Stinger. Many other important staff members such as the Photo Editor, Senior Evan Tree and News Editor Senior Brittany Dolling had to leave as well. “I had an amazing time during my time on the Stinger… I have a lot of faith in Victor going forward, especially going into next year” said Ella Menin. Former staff writer Ella Gietzen was also selected to assume Victor’s former role as the Managing Editor.
There are even more announcements beyond Dominguez’s and Gietzen’s promotions. After the idea of a club to aid in the publication of articles was brought up to the new staff, it was decided that would be fantastic idea. The benefit to this is that many people who can’t join the class due to schedule issues or credit attainment requirements can still help with writing articles for the Stinger. The club will be piloted throughout the second semester of this school year so that it is ready to be fully running and fleshed out by the beginning of the new school year.
Despite the loss of prominent and important staff members, there is still good news as many of them are still helping with the paper and the upcoming club. Remember if you’d like to help in article making, or want to have your opinion shared with the broader Cam High community, join the Stinger or the upcoming club. Don’t hesitate to ask your counselor for information about how to enroll, or contact the Editor-in-Chief Victor Dominguez at [email protected] to join the club.
Hey all! My name is Serena Avila I am a Freshman at Cam High, this is my first year in the Stinger and likely not the last. I like to do a lot of things...

I'm Evan Tree, I'm the Photo Editor for The Stinger! I'm a senior at Cam High, and this is my second year in The Stinger. I really enjoy taking photos...