Class of 2020 College Map

Edward Wang and Huy Nguyen

The Class of 2020 are going across the nation for their post-high school education.

The Class of 2020 is going across the nation for their college plans. Check out where some of them are headed below.

Note, those entering the workforce or taking a gap year are not represented on the map. If you are in Cam High’s Class of 2020 but are not represented on this map, please comment below your name, college you will be attending, and prospective major to be added. Feel free to also provide any wait list decisions or deferrals of admission.

In addition those without specific locations:

Community College: Brandon McVicker (Psychology)

Community College: Shane Santos (Civil Engineering/Architecture)

United State Marine Corp: Isaiah Trevino (Aviation)

Automotive Industry (work): Will Becker

Special thanks to former Stinger staff member Edward Wang for compiling the data used to create the map!