#OUStuVoice: Let Your Voice be Heard

Staff Writer Edward Wang visits the #OUStuVoice Twitter page. Photo by: Ian Lattimer

The Oxnard Union High School District (OUHSD) has recently implemented #OUStuVoice as a way for all students to communicate with both the district and individual schools through Twitter.

According to the StudentVoice official website, the program is a nationwide, student-run nonprofit that empowers students to take action on issues that impact them. #OUStuVoice is a branch of StuVoice specifically for the Oxnard Union High School District and its students.

Mr. Jay Sorenson, Coordinator of Education Technology at OUHSD and manager of #OUStuVoice, said in an email interview with The Stinger, “The main purpose is to get school and district admin and teachers to hear how our students view their educational experience. We as district personnel may view things a little differently. I think it’s empowering for students to have their voices heard.”

Questions are posted every other Tuesday on Sorenson’s school Twitter account, and can include a variety of topics ranging from school culture to homework. Ms. Lisette Williford, English teacher, encouraged students to participate. “It’s a chance for students in the Oxnard Union High School District to tell the district and any teachers that are also on Twitter what they appreciate about their district and their schools,” said Williford.

There are two ways to join the conversation. Students can contribute to the live Twitter chat directly or they can post on it afterwards. Students can view previous questions by searching #OUStuVoice on Twitter and then searching the question’s numbers.

Leslie Orlando, freshman at Cam High, said, “I like [#OUStuVoice] because it gives the students an opportunity of what they can say and let the teachers actually listen to it.”

Sorenson believes that running #OUStuVoice is empowering and interactive. “It’s been super fun to lead this and I hope to get more and more momentum.  My ultimate goal would be that students feel empowered by the chat and that some of the ideas and opinions that they’re sharing lead to actual change in our district.”