A Victorious Tumble
Cam High’s Stunt Team was victorious against Oak Park last Thursday, March 15, with a score of 17-10.
A newly recognized CIF sport, Competitive Cheer, or Stunt, is making its way across high schools in California. Cam High currently has 25 girls competing on their competitive Stunt Team, a majority of which competed last during last years season as well. Last year, Cam High’s Varsity Stunt team placed fifth in the State level CIF competition held in Sacramento.
“I think the stunt team is going to do very well if we keep up with the amount of effort we put in and keep motivating each other in every aspect of the game,” team Captain, Jenna Welty said. The Stunt team has won all five of their pre-season games, and this is their first league win.
Varsity cheerleader, Kristen Ruehlin, junior, said, “Each school learns the same 18 routines and four routines can be picked to perform during a stunt game during the four different quarters.”
The first quarter consists of partner stunts, the second consists of pyramid formations, the third consists of jumps and tumbling, and the fourth consists of a blend of all three types. Four routines can be picked to perform during a quarter. The 18 routines comes from the six different levels of routines they are given, the sixth level being the most difficult. There is no judging of appearance or showmanship during stunt games, solely stunting.
“There are definitely a lot more teams competing this year. It is very exciting,” Julia Welty said, “Everyone on our team hopes we make it back to state.”
The next Stunt Game is on Thursday, April 5 in the Cam High Gym against Westlake High School and Newbury Park High School.

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