Aloha Seniors!
Seniors (from left to right) Caitlin Orozco, Mallorie Mehrali, Evan Grossman, Drew Reyes, Amy Raval, and Marissa Hiji at the luau. Photo by: Cecilia Bach-Nguyen
The senior luau took place in the quad at Cam High from 3:30-5:30 pm on February 8th. The event was held in order help the senior class bond as well as to raise money.
The senior class cabinet realized they needed money and a social event seemed to be a great way to accomplish this. Consequently, they set out to find a way to bring the senior class together and raise the money. “I felt like we needed to unite the class after recent events.” said Madison Escobar, senior class cabinet vice president.

The idea of a luau was thought up by Kimberley Sheppard, PTSA vice president and mother of senior Sarah Sheppard. “We wanted everyone to come together and have a good time.” said Mrs. Sheppard. The plan was presented to the senior class cabinet.
Immediately, the PTSA board, and the senior parents began working. The event took a week to plan and put together. Elmira Ponti as well as many other parents of Cam High seniors helped by donating food. The Sheppards began cooking the day before the luau and made everything from scratch. Cynthia Sanchez donated desserts. ASB donated lays and the senior class decorated. The senior class cabinet hired a Mr. Softee truck to be there as well. “I think it turned out pretty successful”, said Escobar.
Brooklyn Lewis, senior class cabinet president circulated the event with a bowl for donations for any seniors who wished to donate. The seniors raised $525 which will go to paying for the financial needs of the senior class.

Grass skirted tables were set up with Hawaiian themed cookies, red fruit punch, and fruit kabobs. “The decorations are pretty.” said senior Andree Jenkins.
Not only were the eye-appealing desserts and 40 pounds of pulled pork a hit but also the first 125 seniors received free Mr. Softee’s ice cream. “I’m pretty happy for free food and lots of fun…This is the first time I’ve had ice cream since middle school.” said Kevin Tran, senior, as he ate his ice cream.
Seniors played Jenga on the stage. The DJ blasted music and led the seniors in a “Battle of the Sexes” which included various games such as limbo, “Think Fast”, and guessing games such as naming what TV show a theme song is from or naming the title of a song. “It’s a good last opportunity to re-connect with people before the end of the school year.” said Kevin Tran, senior.
The entire event, however, could not have come together without the help of Kimberley Sheppard, Kim Dawson ,Recording Secretary, and Lori Pristera ASB ,activity adviser, and especially the senior class parent volunteers. “We love supporting our students any way we can.” said Dawson.

The seniors expressed their gratitude for PTSA. “This was really nice of the parents”, Jenkins said while enjoying the luau.
The luau turned out to be an enjoyable bonding event for the seniors who will soon be graduating and going their separate ways.
“It’s an end of this era.” said Mrs. Sheppard.

Hey, I'm Catherine (Cat for short). I'm from Colorado but I grew up in Camarillo after that my family moved around out of state a couple of times and ended...