A Serendipitous Evening [Slideshow]
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Fairy lights adorned the scene and music filled the air as Cam High’s senior class filled Prom on Saturday evening. The event’s theme was “Serendipity”: the occurence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
The night began with students boarding 13 charter buses and heading to the Vineyards in Simi Valley, this year’s prom location. Prom this year included an indoor dance floor, outdoor tables and games, a buffet-style dinner, Just Dance, karaoke, and photo and flip book booths.
Prom ended at approximately 11:00 P.M., and the night continued for many with After Prom at the Roxy movie theater, which included a dance floor, various food stops, card and board games, movies and a raffle. After Prom took place from midnight to 4:30 A.M.

As a first year Stinger staff writer, I am determined to report to the best of my abilities in order to inform the reader about current events and more....