Getting Colorful to Get the Green [video]
The Cam High class of 2017 held a color run at Mission Oaks Park on Saturday November 5 to raise funds for upcoming senior activities, including prom.
A total of 60 participants, including students and parents from around the community, gathered behind the starting line at 3 p.m., waiting for colored powder to be thrown at them. General admission was $15 for adults and $10 for children 10 and under. “[I am excited] to get colorful,” said Sophia Cortina, junior, before the run.
Once the course started, all the participants ran or walked through a three kilometer course that passed through the softball fields, playground, tennis courts, parking lot, and more.
The entire course consisted of five color stations: blue, pink, orange, green, and yellow. One station was at the starting line and the other four were spread out across the track. Volunteers stood at the color stops and threw colored powder at the runners.
The volunteers participated for community service hours. KIWIN’S Club was one of the larger volunteer groups to participate in this event. “I’m in KIWIN’S and they told us about [the opportunity] for service hours for NHS [National Honors Society] and CSF [California Scholarship Federation],” said Gaby Jose, junior and volunteer at the event.
The entire event was student-run and planned weeks ahead by the senior class cabinet: Tyler Tsuji, Joyce Seok, Sydney Bolish, Kourtney Nguyen, Harrison Mello, and Grace Churchill.
“It’s pretty much like a collaborative effort. Everybody’s been doing their part and so I’m really happy,” said Seok, senior class co-president.
According to Seok, the idea for a color run was brought up by Churchill. On the day of the event, the set-up process required an hour before the run for them to prepare the course.

As a first year Stinger staff writer, I am determined to report to the best of my abilities in order to inform the reader about current events and more....