ASB Class Cabinet: Candidates Overview
Ms. Lori Pristera, ASB director, rallies the crowd during the Welcome Back celebration in September.
Students will vote today in their homerooms for their 2016-2017 ASB class cabinet. Positions contended include spirit director, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary. Next year’s ASB president, Morgan Lockwood, ran unopposed.
Vice President Candidates:
Riley Stark
Riley Stark has had one year of experience in ASB and wishes to change the school’s perspective on extracurricular activities.
“Something that really influenced me to run was equal recognition regarding sports and other events at the school,” Stark said. “ I believe that a lot of sports aren’t recognized as equally as others. For example, swim was undefeated for so long, yet nobody really knew.”
Stark also emphasized the importance of equal treatment of students throughout the school and connecting one own’s community with others.
“All I want is to be the voice for people who are afraid to speak up, and I want to remind the cabinet that there are other activities than just the norm,” she said. “I just really care about the students’ happiness, and ultimately, I care about this school.”
Sabrina Gaiser
Gaiser believes that her school and life experiences can help her create a better ASB, which in turn will lead to a better school.
“I’m really organized, and I’m kind of a neat freak, and I think this job requires a lot of organization. Sometimes in the past, it’s been really disorganized because lack of communication,” said Gaiser. “I’m from a big family so I feel like that kind of helps, so we all have to make sure we’re on the same page and that can be translated to real-life situations like this.”
Gaiser has been a member of ASB for two years now.
“My experience has definitely helped because it kind of shows you how everybody works within itself and how the class operates, so you can get a better insight on what can be changed. I was there when Mr. Smith was the director and when Pristera was, so I saw the difference in how the students reacted to Smith’s way and Pristera’s way of doing things. I kind of want to mold the two together for a cohesive classroom,” said Gaiser.
Nick Garcia
Nick Garcia, junior, hopes to make next year memorable for both the staff and the class.
Garcia believes he has the ability to be a leader due to his other experiences on club boards. “I’ve been a part of Teens’ Club as treasurer this year, and next year, I will be vice president,” said Garcia. “I enjoy doing volunteer work, and I’m quite an organized person.”
Garcia’s main objective is encourage an even more spirited ASB. He wants to create an environment that mirrors the positive aspects of the 2015-2016 school year.
“Overall, this year was great because of the football team and how the team affected the school. I want to continue that spirit with creative dances, rallies and spirit days when I work with our class cabinet,” he said.
In an effort to try and create this environment, Garcia is promised to request Snapchat geotags to promote Cam High on social media. “I’m sure that it’s something the school wants,” he said.
Cameran Bahnsen
Bahnsen stressed the importance of opinions from all Cam High students. “I really want to make sure the whole student body gets a representation, because ASB isn’t just about making posters and the cyclone, it’s about listening to the student body and hearing their ideas and then incorporating it into our activities and events,” said Bahnsen.
She also believes her personality and experience help qualify her for the job. “Secretary’s main jobs is to make sure everything is organized and running smoothly in class and in the school,” said Bahnsen. “I feel like I’m really spirited and energetic. I’m very hardworking, and I’m a dedicated worker. I’ve written notes and kept track of minutes in clubs, but not officially as the secretary. I also want to make sure the whole senior body has a voice.”
Bahnsen, a current ASB member, balances student government with other activities such as school and basketball. “It’s hard balancing everything, I’ll admit. I always have a packed schedule, and ASB is one of my top priorities. I have great support from teachers, especially Ms. Pristera, and my parents and friends. It’s a lot of time and work, but it pays off in the end seeing how great everything always turns out,” said Bahnsen.
Mia Fernandez
Fernandez, an ASB member since freshman year, plans to handle school funds more efficiently.
“I think one of the most important things is to make sure our monthly budgets are friendly and make sure we don’t run out of money as quickly as this year, but still have proper amounts for the activities, like rallies and dances,” said Fernandez.
She also intends to record all events that have a financial impact and assess the situation surrounding those events. “As a treasurer, I have to take care of all the transactions and be the voice between Ms. Boyle [the ASB bookkeeper] and the ASB class,” said Fernandez.
Ohtli Garcia
A current KIWIN’S spirit leader, Ohtli Garcia has helped plan various club activities, including the recent benefit concert.
His vision as treasurer includes responsible communication and aesthetic clothing. “Through my position, I plan to improve the school by keeping up with all of the transactions that have to go through ASB. That way, club events and fundraisers can take place. The ASB treasurer is also in charge of spirit wear for both ASB and the school; therefore, I will do my best to improve the clothing, making it look nicer and be more accessible.”
Though he also juggles a busy schedule, Garcia remains confident that he is ready to become treasurer. “I have been an active participant throughout the year within the ASB class. Additionally, I have held positions in KIWIN’S for both last year and this upcoming 2016-2017 school year. Being an AP and honors student, I feel that my work ethic is appropriate and qualified for this position. I believe that I should be ASB treasurer because I know that I will do a great job, and I know that I will dedicate my time and effort into making the school an even greater place than it already is.”
Spirit Director:
“I love to plan things such as homecoming, rallies, all the football cyclone themes, and lunchtime activities,” said Mehrali. “I think it’s really neat and fun to figure out the games and figure out what goes with what. I’m really organized, so I’ll keep everything in order.”
Mehrali has already begun planning tangible methods to increase school spirit. “The first thing I would do is make a snapchat filter for Cam. I would also make one for the cyclone as well, so when you are at football games you can post pictures that show ‘oh, I’m in the cyclone right now,” she said.
“ We had a lot of spirit this year, and now all the seniors are leaving, so I would definitely encourage more spirit next year to continue on. This year was so fun and so memorable for everyone, and next year should be just the same, if not better.”
Grace Kehoe
Kehoe’s goal is to unify the student body. “I want to make everyone more involved in school activities and everyone’s experience more enjoyable. I want our school bonded together as one happy family, to make everyone not embarrassed to be in front of the school and make people more recognized,” said Kehoe.
The Stinger will follow class elections and update when the results are announced.
All candidates are juniors, with the exception of Mehrali, who is a sophomore.

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