To the Graduating Seniors: Farewell
Janna Lopez, class of 2015, walked in preparation for graduation.
Exactly a week from now, hundreds of Cam High students will walk down the path in their blue graduation gowns, receive their diplomas, and formally say goodbye to their high school life.
“Graduation is a conclusion for the seniors, the end of that twelve years of mandatory education,” said Mr. Richard Jaquez, science teacher. “It also kind of signals a definite starting point into their adulthood, I think.”
“You go to high school for four years, and all you can think about is how you are going to graduate in the end. It seems like time went by quickly, but graduation is finally here at the same time,” said senior Annicka Rodriguez.
“I’m excited for graduation. It’s a bit daunting, just because it’s the end of [our] high school chapter. But it’s also the opening of a new chapter, because you know, we are going to college or some people are getting jobs,” said senior Isabella Husted.
The years in high school have an important impact on students throughout their lives, but the experience was not entirely positive, said Rodriguez. “But there are the memories that you made, like the dumb things you did, the football games you went to, the dances you went to, and the things you did with friends.”
Since taking AP Biology as a freshman, junior Uyen Mai has been a classmate to the graduating class. “I have some of the best time in my senior classes. I can always expect to have fun in a senior class. They are a very inclusive group of people, [and] they are like family to me,” said Mai. “I wish they wouldn’t graduate, so they can spend another year with me. But they are all going to do something really great for their future.”
Mai said her senior friends largely influenced her high school life. “You guys inspired me a lot. No matter where you guys go, I know you guys are going to do something great, because I know every one of you have good character and are very driven, very motivated. You inspired me to do a lot myself, too. Thank you for everything that you have done for me,” she said toward the departing seniors.
“I’m proud of the seniors, you know. I was with them back in tenth grade to kind of help them move toward graduation and college, to see them finish that big step of high school and get ready to move on to college or whatever they choose to do,” Jaquez said.
Many students have changed noticeably since their freshman year. “When you come into high school, you were a little kid and you grew up so much. Just by social aspect of high school, it really molds and creates who you are,” Rodriguez said.
“There is a big change in all my students, from when I had them as sophomores to when I see them graduating. It’s just kind of neat to see that change,” said Mrs. Joi Hirashi, science department teacher.
Changes alone will not carry students through their lives. The journey from high school to the world will also require determination. “I wish them luck, and I tell them to hang in there. All of the adversity and tough times that they are going to have that everybody has, especially time in college — work is hard, and they are going to be homesick,” Jaquez said. “I want to just tell them to hang in there and keep battling through.”

Hello everybody, I am Chun-Tzu Huang, a senior, and it is my second year on the Stinger staff. I am a lover of creative writing and a bit of a writing...