Spring dance to replace winter formal

Photo from Lil’ G social media

Former boys’ basketball DJ Lil’ G will be playing at Spring Fling, this year’s season dance.

A ‘Spring Fling’ will replace this year’s winter formal and will be held on Saturday, March 12, from 8 to 11 p.m.

The dance’s spring theme focuses on the feeling of love, renewal, and flowers, said Cam High ASB members.

“The decorations will be about flowers, trees, and the celebration of spring,” said Ms. Lori Pristera, ASB advisor.

“The vibe is going to be a lot brighter because of spring,” said Mia Fernandez, junior and ASB member.

The dance itself will be inside and around the gym, similar to the set-up of homecoming in 2014. Tickets cost $15 for Cam High students and $20 for guests. All-access passes will not be accepted for Spring Fling.

ASB is currently planning games, food, ice cream, and music to be available at the dance.

“I only expect the most–that there’s going to be good music there, because I like jamming to really good music with all my friends,” said Brian Nguyen, junior.

Music selections will be facilitated by Gerrad O’Brien, otherwise known as Lil’ G. Some students remember O’Brien as the former DJ for the boys’ basketball team and are excited to see him perform.

“Oh my God, yes!” said Nguyen. “I went to the basketball games and every time he came my heart just raced. He’s so amazing, like he’s not afraid to be himself, and he just wants to get the crowd rising.”

“I think Spring Fling is going to be very successful because it’s the first time we’ve had it, so a lot of people are gonna wanna see what it’s like,” said Fernandez.

The planning of Spring Fling will not interfere with the planning of prom. “The class of 2016 is planning prom. The class cabinet has that covered, so together, they’re on it, and it’s awesome. We’ve been working super hard for the past four months on prom, but the Spring Fling is totally ASB,” said Pristera.