Breaking News: A Second Student threatens Cam High with gun violence

Sarah Wortman

Law enforcement on watch by the Santa Rosa entrance on campus after a second gun threat on Cam High.

This story has been updated at the bottom: Police were called and parents were alerted after a non-Cam High student threatened to “shoot up cam high” via Twitter this morning.

“As an act of extreme caution, we alerted law enforcement and handled it right away,” said Dr. Kim Stephenson, principal. “We actually handled it before most people [at Cam High] saw the Tweet. That was much more manageable than if the Tweet went viral.”

According to an email from Stephenson to Cam High families, the threat was immediately reported by a community member, and the subject is currently in custody. Police responded immediately to ensure the safety of students.

Despite the threat, Stephenson said that the individual’s words did not pose immediate danger. “We don’t feel there’s any future threat to the school,” she said. “[However], just because we have [the student] in custody, doesn’t mean that this is over.”

An investigation regarding the circumstances of the Tweet is still ongoing. The threat was found in a Twitter conversation between two individuals, about a personal issue, according to Stephenson. The student’s twitter account has now been taken down.

“Yes, threats happen. If anyone ever says they want to shoot or blow up the school, we always take those threats very seriously,” said Stephenson. “We always take care of it, and we usually handle it pretty soon.”

Update: At 8:42 am today, a second non-Cam High student posted a school-shooting threat over Twitter. This incident is separate from Tuesday’s threat.

According to an email from Adriana Pulido, associate principal, a student at Cam High reported the Tweet to the staff and they took immediate action. The main suspect has been detained, and additional officers and district staff have been brought on campus.

While no lock down was ordered, Mr. Gary Peterson, associate principal, made an announcement that teachers should leave their rooms open at lunch for students who feel unsafe outside.

The Stinger will continue to follow this story.

Elise Umetsu contributed to this report.