A Distant Melody
Cam High was one stop of 60 high schools on Breaking Tempo’s fall tour to promote their new album “Beginning to End.”
Cam High Scorps were greeted with mixed tunes by the band Breaking Tempo when they performed on Tuesday in the quad.
Breaking Tempo, an alternative rock band, performed on stage during both lunch and nutrition on September 16. The band’s four members include Robby Bruce, lead vocalist, Justin Tinucci, lead guitar player, and Austin Herzing, drum player, and Austin Anderson, bass, keys, and tech player. The band from Santa Clarita have recently set out on a tour across Californian high schools. San Luis Obispo High School and Pioneer Valley High School in Santa Maria are next on the multiple list of high schools on their schedule.
According to their website, Breaking Tempo “likes to stay ignorant to the commonality of genres.”
Breaking Tempo performed a number of cover songs and original songs throughout the performance, including pieces by popular alternative rock bands Blink 182 and My Chemical Romance. According to some Cam High students, they found the music entertaining and enjoyable during the passing periods, similarly to how the school puts on music during lunch.
“They did a good job of replicating the well known music and throwing in their own flare,” said Alex Espinosa, junior.
But a few Scorps found the band to be more of a nuisance rather than entertaining. “I don’t like how they present themselves,” said Matthew Garcia, senior.
Many Cam High students expressed confusion in regard to the band’s scheduled performance. “I didn’t even know there was going to be a band,” said Jesus Quezada, junior.
Other Cam High students blamed the band’s “poor” performance on their lack of proper equipment and setup. “The acoustics were pretty bad,” said Matthew Levine, senior. “Their setup for a high school performance was strange.”
Despite the questionable sound quality, Breaking Tempo still managed to gain some favor, “It’s my type of music,” said Christabelle Angeles, junior.
“The band performed extremely well,” said Madison White, freshman. “In all honesty, if they hadn’t mentioned that they were just a band touring high schools, I would have thought they were a well-known band.”

Hi, the name's Paul Chun. I'm a sophomore here at Cam High. I like to play tennis on my free time and enjoy my time reading about different articles on...