Teacher, Coach, Motivational Leader

Ron Wilson, wrestling coach at Cam High, received recognition for his 37 years spent coaching the lives of almost four generations of students.
“This is a great accomplishment. To have one person in a coaching position for that long is amazing,” said Mr. Glenn Lipman, principal. “What made this amazing is there aren’t many people to do it. Teaching is one thing but coaching is almost entirely voluntary.”
“My real award is seeing all the people that have improved and bettered their lives,” said Wilson. “I have had some people who have come from real hard family situations, I see them in the halls moping, but once they come into the wrestling room they cheer up.”
Wilson said he continues to coach because he enjoys it. “For me it’s not all about winning, I would rather see someone try their hardest than win.”
Wilson went on to say, “Yes, it’s exciting to see people win, especially when you expect them to lose, but they get a spark in their eye- a certain determination that they want to win this for themselves. Over the years, I have had hundreds maybe even thousands of people run up to me and shout out that they won. Often times I get hugged. I don’t like it, but people continue to do it.”