Mitchell Sternberg, senior, resting during his study hall period.
Many people procrastinate in today’s society, saying that there is enough time to complete weighty tasks. Adding this to the current challenging school curriculum, students often find themselves up until dawn, slaving away at each homework assignment. Many teachers dole out these hefty amounts of schoolwork to emphasize that practice makes perfect, but is it too much for the students to handle?
According to a survey of 42 random Cam High students conducted by the Stinger, the majority of respondents sleep soundly in spite of the great amount of procrastination accompanying the hefty amounts of homework. The results were as follows:
- 7-8 hours (suggested): 18 people
- 6 hours: 14 people
- 5 hours/under: 10 people
As a freshman, Kourtney Nguyen was shocked when she arrived at Cam High. As an entering underclassman, Nguyen thought her first year of high school would be relatively easy. “I was really surprised in my first couple of weeks here,” said Nguyen. “But I did take the risk of taking an honors class. Now I stay up until around 11 or 12 doing my homework and projects, but I don’t complain a whole lot since it’s part of the whole educational system.”
Timothy Lee, sophomore, like other students on campus, blames procrastination on his all-nighters. However, the difficult AP classes “keep students up at night” as well. “I stay up late almost every night working on homework,” said Lee. “But it is mainly my fault for procrastinating all the time. I feel like it would be really practical if they had a class on campus to teach you not to procrastinate or to work more efficiently.”
Stephanie Lu, junior, is a victim of procrastination like Lee and other students. “When I get home, I leave my book open for hours but don’t do anything until later in the day.” “The work itself really isn’t that hard, but I stay up so late because I procrastinate, almost until one. I just wish that teachers would give us less homework since we already spend eight hours at school.”
Lauren Pasaraba, sophomore, is repeatedly up to her neck in homework. However, she is not one to procrastinate. “Almost all of my classes are pretty challenging,” said Pasaraba. “I’m almost always up until midnight, unless my teachers are giving me a break, which doesn’t happen a whole lot.” “But sometimes I waste time and surf the web for a couple hours, which takes a lot of time for me.”
As high school students are preparing for college or work, the only thing that is apparent is that procrastination will not serve them well. “When students don’t do their homework, and don’t study until the last minute, that’s going to result in a bad grade in the class,” said Mr. Joel Groves, math teacher. However, making a plan to be more productive and making this a habit is a way to stop the curse known as procrastination, according to Groves.