In The Wake of Mandela

Photo of Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa and Nobel Peace Prize winner, taken from Forbes Magazine

Nelson Mandela is to our generation what Mohandas Ghandi was to the generation of the 1960’s and 70’s. Born in a South African Cape province, he grew up to be a world leader in the struggle for liberty. From non-violent protests against the Apartheid government, which separated black people from white people, to becoming the first black president in South Africa, many agree, Mandela has affected not only his nation, but the world as well.

Numerous students at Cam High view Mandela as a model for everyone, no matter the origin of the person. “Nelson Mandela fought without any (physical) force,” said Mina Pasaraba, senior, when discussing the methods of Mandela to achieve equality in South Africa. Mandela’s demeanor of grace under pressure both at home and abroad were a model to follow when facing different cultures.

Like many leaders, Mandela wasn’t without blemish on his record. “Nelson Mandela was a good person, when he fought discrimination; ironically, his bribery in presidency made him a bad guy,” said Si Heon Jung, junior. Still, there is no question that Mandela’s legacy will have a huge impact across Africa and the world after 2013.

“Nelson Mandela is a great role model because he fought segregation and the system of Apartheid,” said Joseph Kim, junior. It was Mandela, imprisoned for 26 years, who led the mostly non-violent revolution to end Apartheid, a government that segregated black from white put in place by mostly Afrikans citizens, Dutch immigrants and their descendants in South Africa.

