Ian Lattimer
Ms. Resnik runs the library science classes offered at Cam High.
Taught by Cam High’s teacher librarian Ms. Heidi Resnik, library science is a two semester class offered to juniors and seniors.
“A library should be the center of a school and the center of a community,” said Resnik, who hopes to foster a sense of comfort and convenience in Cam High’s library with the help of library science students.
“This class is based primarily on students taking initiative to get tasks completed,” said Resnik. At the end of the class, students write down three tasks they completed and a one sentence reflection on what they accomplished that period. At the end of the week, the students write a two paragraph reflection on their work in library science.
As well as writing practice, students help around the library by shelving books, cleaning computers, and assisting people who come into the library. Resnik said “Our goal is to help every patron every time.”
Junior Kai Arimura recently joined the library science class. “It’s a lot of time management and self discipline,” said Arimura. He said his favorite part of the class is writing reflections and discussing them with Resnik since it improves his writing. Arimura plans to enroll in library science again next year.
The class focuses primarily on writing, critical thinking, organizational skills, study habits, researching skills, customer service, and other job skills. “Students tell me that they’re improving their grades in other classes because of the skills they’re learning here,” said Resnik.
Resnik hopes to have two to three library science students per period next year. For more information on enrolling in the class, visit Resnik in the library.